Astro Weather Marys
Thank You for your interest in our unique Astro-Weather feature.
The astrological weather you see below is constantly changing. The interpretation of the applying moon below can change several times a day, and the interpretation of the Sun changes daily. Other planets change less often.
These 'applying' aspects listed below are the aspects which are still coming into being, they are the next aspects to happen. These applying aspects are thought to have the most powerful influence on the current moment. If a planet is not going to make another aspect before it moves into a new sign, then that planet is said to be 'void' and its effect is of diminished importance for the time being. Except for the moon, void planets are not listed below.
Be sure to come back and consult this page when you need advice on whether the time is right to begin your important undertakings.
Here is the Current Astro Chart: