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Optimizing Powerful Full Moon Energies

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As we approach July 21, the night sky promises an electrifying lineup of celestial events, boosting the influence of the approaching Full Moon at 29 degrees of Capricorn. This Full Moon and a series of significant planetary alignments create a potent, energetic landscape that can guide us through transformations, breakthroughs, and profound spiritual insights. Let’s dive into the cosmic currents, uncover what they mean for you, and how you can optimize these powerful astrological energies. 

Full Moon @ 29 Degrees of Capricorn: Confronting the Shadow Side

On the evening of July 21, the Full Moon will illuminate the disciplined and ambitious sign of Capricorn at 29 degrees, often referred to as the “anaretic” degree. This critical point emphasizes the shadow aspects of Capricorn – unchecked ambition, rigidity, judgment, and control issues. Adding to the intensity and power dynamic is the reinforcement of Mars. And let’s not forget that Pluto is less than one degree away from the moon @ zero degrees of Aquarius. The power, force, and drive behind this Full moon are phenomenal. Meanwhile, practicing patience with yourself and others during this celestial symphony will create an internal sense of liberation.

How Can You  Harness the power and drive of this Full Moon:

Reflect on your personal and professional goals. Are you pursuing them with integrity, or are you letting fear and inflexibility dictate your path? This is a time for deep introspection and the release of patterns that no longer serve your highest good. Remember that Mars will help with your determination but can also prompt you to act without foresight. Use the full moon’s intuitive nature and trust your gut feelings. Remember always to prioritize the higher good when making a decision. Remain spiritually aligned, and then everything will naturally fall into place.

Venus Sextile Jupiter: Expansive Love and Abundance:

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, makes a harmonious sextile to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, bringing forth a wave of generosity, joy, and positive connections. This alignment is perfect for attracting abundance in relationships and finances. Embrace the energy by opening your heart to new possibilities and being receptive to the blessings that will come your way.

Mercury Square Uranus: Expect the Unexpected

Mercury, the planet of communication, forms a tense square with Uranus, the planet of sudden change and innovation. This aspect may bring surprising news or disrupt your usual thought and communication patterns. Keep an open mind and be ready for flashes of insight or unexpected shifts in your plans. Flexibility and adaptability are key during

Sun Trine Neptune: Spiritual Awakening

The Sun forms a harmonious trine with Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, and spiritual enlightenment. This alignment enhances intuition, creativity, and a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. It’s an excellent time for meditation, artistic endeavors, and connecting with your inner self. Allow yourself to dream and envision the life you desire. Listening to music will most likely be a source of inspiration during this cosmic alignment.

Mars Trine Pluto: Empowered Action

Finally, Mars, the planet of action and drive, forms a powerful trine with Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth. This aspect infuses us with determination and the courage to face challenges head-on. Use this energy to pursue your goals and initiate meaningful life changes. Remember to pause and contemplate before taking any action.

Unlock the Wisdom of the Stars with a Personalized Reading

The celestial events of July 21 offer a profound opportunity for growth and transformation. To navigate these energies effectively, consider a personalized astrological reading. Understanding how and where these alignments will impact your unique birth chart can provide clarity, guidance, and actionable insights tailored to your life’s journey.

What I’m Offering:

Each year during my birthday month of July, I like to offer something unique: For a limited time, from July 18 through July 23, I’m offering a personal astrological reading for less than half price.


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