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Marys Astrology

Surfing The Positive Cosmic Waves in May

Girl surfing
Photo by Jess Loiterton:

May races in with Mercury direct and out of its shadow phase! Things are starting to happen without delay. The universe has quite the celestial spectacle in store for us. As an astrologer, it’s my honor to guide you through the cosmic dance unfolding above and offer some practical insights into how these planetary movements might influence your life.

May 2nd: Pluto Stations Retrograde

Kicking off the month, Pluto stations retrograde, urging us into the depths of introspection. It’s a time for inner exploration, where secrets may come to light, and obsessions may surface. While this might feel intense, remember that retrogrades offer a chance for profound self-discovery and transformation. Embrace the journey within.

May 7th: The New Moon in Taurus

With the New Moon in Taurus, the spotlight shines on themes of security, particularly financial stability. It’s natural to feel a tug of concern over material matters but use this energy to reevaluate your relationship with money and possessions. Seek stability within yourself, knowing that true security comes from within.

May 13th: The Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Expect the unexpected as the Sun meets Uranus in Taurus. This alignment can bring sudden changes and surprises, especially in areas related to Taurus in your birth chart. Stay adaptable and open-minded as opportunities for growth and innovation present themselves.

May 15th: Mercury Moves into Taurus

As Mercury moves into Taurus, the pace of life slows down. Communication becomes more deliberate and grounded. Take this opportunity to savor the moment, indulging in deep conversations and sensory experiences. Patience and persistence will be your allies.

May 18th: The Luckiest Day of the Year

Mark your calendars for May 18th, as the Sun aligns with Jupiter, bestowing upon us a dose of cosmic luck. This fortuitous conjunction opens doors and expands possibilities. Keep your eyes peeled for unexpected blessings and opportunities arriving at your doorstep. Where does 28 degrees of Taurus land in your chart?

Join me on May 18th @marys4cast for a live stream on Instagram at 1 pm Eastern with a chance to win a free chart reading!

May 20th: The Sun Enters Gemini

With the Sun entering Gemini, the energy becomes light, airy, and curious. The twins beckon us to explore new ideas, connect with others, and embrace the joy of learning. Stay flexible and open to new experiences as you navigate this dynamic energy.

May 22nd: The Sun Trine Pluto

Global power dynamics come into focus as the Sun forms a harmonious trine with Pluto. This alignment reminds us of our collective influence and the potential for transformation on a global scale. Stay mindful of your impact, and use your power wisely.

May 23rd: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Under the luminous glow of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, the call to adventure beckons. Embrace your wanderlust and seek out new horizons, both physically and spiritually. Optimism fills the air with the Sun aligning with Venus and Jupiter, fueling your dreams and aspirations.

May 25th: Jupiter Moves into Gemini

Prepare for a year of expansion and exploration as Jupiter enters Gemini. This cosmic shift heralds the dawn of new ideas and perspectives. Keep an open mind and be willing to embrace the diversity of thought that Gemini brings. Additionally, multiple internets, catering to various communities and fostering anonymity, will likely emerge— a prediction that could reshape our digital landscape.

May 31st: Mercury Conjunct Uranus

The month concludes with a burst of innovation as Mercury aligns with Uranus. Brilliant ideas may strike unexpectedly, paving the way for exciting breakthroughs. Stay curious and be receptive to unconventional solutions.

Remember, cosmic energies are merely invitations for growth and evolution. How we choose to navigate them ultimately determines our journey. Keep an open heart, a curious mind, and trust in the wisdom of the cosmos. May your path be illuminated by the light of the stars.

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