Even if you know nothing about astrology, you’ve most likely heard of Mercury retrograde. Mercury is a fast-moving planet and goes retrograde 3–4 times per year. Notably, Mercury is retrograde only three times in 2021. This article will expound on the tips and tricks of the last post on “Surviving Mercury Retrograde.” Hence the title “Surviving Mercury Retrograde Revisited.
It’s an illusion.
So, a retrograde is a planet changing its speed and slowing down compared to other planets. It’s important to understand that when a planet is retrograde, it’s not traveling backward. Instead, it is slowing down. Imagine being on a train and looking at a train next to you, traveling at the same speed. Then suddenly, the train you’re on slows down, giving you the illusion of moving backward. It’s pretty surreal. Have you ever experienced that?
So, a retrograde planet is changing its speed — slowing down compared to other planets.
Mercury is a personal planet.
It’s important to understand that when a planet is retrograde, it’s not actually traveling backward. Instead, it is slowing down. Imagine being on a train and looking at a train next to you, traveling at the same speed. Then suddenly, the train you’re on slows down, giving you the illusion of moving backward. It’s pretty surreal. Have you ever experienced that?
Like most astrologers, I consider retrogrades when planning events, trips, and activities. With that in mind, I hope you find my survival tools, tips, and techniques helpful to avoid during a Mercury retrograde.
Things to avoid during a Mercury retrograde:
- Intense Intense conversations
- Conflict resolution
- Interviews or important appointments
- Signing legal or important documents
- Submitting your taxes
- Confirming travel plans
Now, Mercury retrograde isn’t the end of the world, as some would have you believe. Yes, delays are likely, but you can leave earlier to allow for any unforeseen challenges. There’s always a strategy available to work with celestial obstructions.
Here are some typical retrograde examples:
- The engine light appears on your dashboard.
- You get a flat tire.
- You get stuck in traffic.
- The train or bus doesn’t arrive on time.
- Booking flights on the wrong dates or to the wrong destinations.
- Sending a message to the wrong person.
- Receiving an unwelcome message.
- Taking what someone says in the wrong way.
The devil is in the details.

I just got off the phone with my brother, who was booking flights for an upcoming trip. (It’s a terrible idea during a retrograde). He had to change his flights THREE times because he kept booking the wrong dates! If you can’t avoid booking travels during a retrograde, you must diligently go over every detail, or you’ll likely have to start over. Hopefully, you’ll catch any errors in time for a do-over if needed. Details are easily missed during a Mercury retrograde. So, review any documents twice and have a trusted friend look them over before signing them for good measure.
Mercury is also known as the messenger, so during a retrograde, miscommunication is likely. As a result, what we say to others may be misconstrued or misread, so consider putting off serious conversations until Mercury goes direct. You better ensure your texts or emails are addressed to the correct person BEFORE pressing send.
Check out this post: Navigating Cosmic Currents in the second half of August:
All is not lost.
Even though Mercury retrogrades can be annoying, you can’t hide under the covers every time one comes around. It’s not practical or realistic to stop living your life every few months. So, here are some practical ways in which you can take advantage of a Mercury retrograde:
- Research and make plans for the near future.
- Prepare your taxes, but don’t file them.
- Purge old clothes, shoes, and possessions.
- Meditate and reflect.
- Tackle tasks you’ve put off for ages.
- Take a breath, slow down, and smell the roses.
- Plan a trip, but don’t confirm.
- Reorganize your closet, house, or office.
Work with the energies at play.
It may surprise you to discover how productive you can be when working with the energy of Mercury retrograde. For example, reorganizing and purging is a perfect activity for a Mercury retrograde. Clean your closet and donate, recycle, or repurpose clothes and artifacts you no longer use. Consider sorting through papers. And purging old records that you no longer need. Another way to use a retrograde is to optimize your computer files.
Remember to be patient and use Mercury retrogrades to slow down, relax, and ease into a healing phase. Consider it an opportunity to reflect on what works and what you may need to change. Most importantly, plan strategies for the future.
Consider consulting an astrologer to see how a particular retrograde will impact your life.