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The Seven Retrograde Planet Lineup in 2023

All kinds of road warning signs jumbled together.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

As the celestial bodies continue their eternal dance through the cosmos, their movements often profoundly influence our lives. The end of August 2023 ushers in a rare occurrence as six planets—Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, Mercury, and Uranus—are on their retrograde journeys, each with its own unique timing. This extraordinary alignment has the potential to create an atmosphere of introspection and transformation, impacting us collectively and individually. In this article, we’ll delve into the collective implications and explore the specific effects of each retrograde planet based on their retrograde and direct station dates.

Even though Jupiter goes retrogrades in early September, it will slow down in August, so we will feel this retrograde way before it traverses.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn May 2 – Direct October 11:

The transformative powerhouse, Pluto, initiated its retrograde journey on May 2 and is set to station direct on October 11. During this phase, buried aspects of our lives, both personal and collective, may resurface for examination. Pluto’s energy encourages us to confront our shadow side, release what no longer serves us, and let go of our emotional baggage. On a collective basis, it is exerting a last-ditch effort for power and control over the masses by governments and big corporations. There is an upcoming threat of more mask mandates for a new variant of covid 19. It is known that variants get weaker over time, so why? We need to follow the money and make decisions on what is best for us. The intensity of Pluto’s energy can be harnessed for profound personal and collective healing.

Many are going through a personal growth and healing spurt as Pluto transits their charts. I, for one, am feeling this retrograde intensely.

Saturn: Retrograde in Pisces June 17 – Direct November 3:

Saturn, the taskmaster planet, started its retrograde motion on June 17 and is scheduled to turn direct on November 3. This phase prompts us to reevaluate our responsibilities, commitments, and long-term goals. It’s an opportune time to reshape our foundations, discard outdated structures, and prepare for the next phase of growth. Experiment with your schedules and get clarity on timelines to complete projects. Saturn in Pisces can bring Structure to creativity and help with creating visions. Use this energy to create a solid vision for your future. 

Neptune in Pisces: Retrograde June 30 – Direct December 6:

Neptune’s retrograde journey commenced on June 30 and will continue until its station direct on December 6. This period invites us to sift through illusions, seeking clarity in our spiritual journey and emotional landscapes. Neptune’s energy encourages us to align our actions with our higher purpose and differentiate between reality and fantasy — to see through deceptive facades, both within ourselves and the world around us. It also invites us to express ourselves creatively and artistically. To lose ourselves in music and wonder.

Venus in Leo: Retrograde July 23 – Direct September 4:

Venus, the planet of love and finances, embarked on its retrograde phase on July 23 with the energy of the Venus Star point in Leo is expected to turn direct on September 4. This cycle may bring forth financial uncertainties and challenges within relationships. It’s an opportunity to reassess our values, enhance our self-worth, and make necessary adjustments for financial stability. Money flow may slow down for some and cause anxiety and fear, which is normal during this retrograde. However, now is the time to assess our values and look at where we fell stuck. Maybe it’s a time to slow down and smell the roses or spend time with loved ones. Whatever the case may be, this is an opportunity to open our minds to new horizons and make a plan of action for future endeavors.

Mercury in Virgo: Retrograde August 23 – Direct September 15:

Mercury in its home sign of Virgo, the planet of communication and technology, takes us on its familiar retrograde journey. This could lead to misunderstandings, delays, and technical glitches. But because Mercury is exalted in Virgo, this retrograde is less troublesome than most. However, during this time, it’s wise to revisit decisions, reconnect with old acquaintances, and fine-tune our communication styles. For tips and tricks on working with Mercury retrograde, check out ‘Surviving Mercury Retrograde Revisited.”

Uranus in Taurus: Retrograde August 29 – Direct January 26

Uranus, the planet of innovation and change, will begin its retrograde journey on August 29, and it is set to station direct on January 26, 2024. This extended retrograde invites us to explore areas where we’ve resisted transformation. It encourages us to break free from stagnant patterns, leading to unexpected insights and breakthroughs. Uranus encourages us to liberate ourselves from outdated patterns. Remember, Uranus is the planet of awakening — areas in life where we have felt stuck or shackled will be spotlighted. With Uranus in Taurus, the global finance landscape will definitely change. Artificial intelligence will see a leap forward. yet there will be concerns about moving too fast. Agriculture will be in the forefront, revealing corrupt practices in our food production and natural healing will have a resurgence.

Jupiter in Taurus: Retrograde September 4 – Direct December 3

Additionally, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, will begin its retrograde phase on September 4 and will resume direct motion on December 31. This period invites us to internalize our pursuit of knowledge, reassess our philosophies, define what abundance means to us, and find wisdom within. Jupiter in Taurus is usually a reaping time, but with all the other retrogrades and some aspects to other planets, this journey through Taurus may not be as fortunate for some as it might otherwise be. Nevertheless, keep whatever you focus on at this time will expand, so make it count.

In conclusion

The alignment of seven, if we include Jupiter, retrograde planets in August/September 2023 creates a potent astrological landscape that encourages collective self-reflection, transformation, and growth. Each retrograde planet brings its unique energy to the mix, inviting us to revisit various aspects of our lives and the world at large. As we navigate this retrograde period, we can pave the way for positive change and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe. With all these planets traversing backward, we may feel stuck in some area of our lives. After all, this is like the Universe hits the pause button. Remember, astrology is a tool for self-awareness, and how we engage with these energies ultimately shapes our experiences.

The unique convergence of retrograde planets in August 2023 does create a sense of ‘stuckness,’ as if the universe has pressed the pause button. As we navigate this cosmic tapestry of energies, remember that while it may feel like a period of stillness, it is within these moments that the most profound changes often occur.


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