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The Full Moon in Capricorn June 24, 2021

The full moon in Capricorn is on June 24th at 2:40 pm @ 3 degrees and 27 minutes of Capricorn. As most of you know, a full moon is when the moon is opposite the Sun. The Sun is in Cancer, which is nurturing, emotional, dependent but can also be co-dependent. In contrast, the moon is opposite in the sign of Capricorn, which is self-sufficient, ambitious, responsible, and the authority. It can also mean consequence which is why Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is also known as the Lord of Karma.

Full moons bring to light something that hasn’t been noticed before. Doubling down on that, responsible Capricorn will reveal something that you must address. What have you put on the back burner? What responsibilities have you avoided?

Image by Tumisu

As mentioned earlier, the full moon opposes the Sun, and oppositions are push, pull energy, so intense emotions may be attached to the decisions you make. Therefore, it’s essential to look forward and not backward around this full moon.


Your inclination may urge you to hang onto old repetitive situations and emotions (Cancer). Resist the urge to cling to the past. Bear that in mind so as not to repeat old paradigms. Remember, full moons, in general, are about endings and completions. Something or someone needs to exit stage left. Don’t ruin the finale by blocking their exit. Instead, open the door and wave goodbye. What or who do you need to let go of for the future?

Now Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, so there’s a seriousness to this full moon. Saturn is moving retrograde, which means the energy is internalized. Therefore, Saturn will help with your inner authority—your self-discipline. It is a strength that can help you get things done. Setting intentions is always suitable for new and full moons, but in this case, planning for the future is imperative. Consider writing down your goals and the actions you can take to achieve them however small they may seem. Remember, Capricorn is the pragmatic planner and loves to be busy, so use this Capricorn energy to make a six-month realistic plan.

What else is happening

  • Saturn square Uranus

Not only is Saturn ruling over this full moon, but it is still in a square to Uranus. Even though Saturn is moving away, this aspect is a theme for the whole year and into the next. This is about control versus freedom. Saturn represents government, authority, and the past. In contrast, Uranus is the maverick, the rebel, and represents the future. In addition, Saturn is powerful, stable, and reliable, whereas Uranus is unstable, impulsive, and surprising. It can mean social and civil unrest on the global stage. But on a personal level, it may bring up feelings of frustration and rebelliousness. You can’t take the government, your boss, or another authority figure impinging on your freedom. Tensions could be high.

  • Venus opposite Pluto
Image by Tusumi

Venus is the divine feminine, and she is about relationships, harmony, and values. She is in the sign of Cancer, so her nurturing, soft, and caring nature may coerce you into being a bit of a pushover. On the other hand, intense Pluto is controlling, dominant, and powerfull spurring a change in values. There is a choice on the table. The tension between the two planets will likely bring up recycled issues urging you to move on. Resist Venus’ softer influence to give in to others. Pluto’s power will help you stand your ground. Venus in Cancer needs security ergo her reluctance to leave or let go.

Nevertheless, Pluto will push you to let go. He will urge you to stop repetitive damaging behaviors. So, take the power that Pluto is offering and move forward with confidence. Besides, peace and harmony lie ahead, so leave the past behind.

  • Neptune moves retrograde

Not only is Saturn ruling over this full moon, but it is still in a square to Uranus. Even though Saturn is moving away, this aspect is a theme for the whole year and into the next. This is about control versus freedom. Saturn represents government, authority, and the past. In contrast, Uranus is the maverick, the rebel, and represents the future. In addition, Saturn is powerful, stable, and reliable, whereas Uranus is unstable, impulsive, and surprising. It can mean social and civil unrest on the global stage. But on a personal level, it may bring up feelings of frustration and rebelliousness. You can’t take the government, your boss, or another authority figure impinging on your freedom. Tensions could be high.

Read Also: New Moon in Virgo: Dynamic Forces For Change

  • Mars opposite Saturn and square Uranus

Now, Mars is a personal planet and moves into opposition with Saturn on July 1st. A couple of days later, it moves into a square with Uranus. What does that mean you might ask. Well, you may feel frustrated that something isn’t moving as fast as you think it should. Mars is impulsive, and Saturn will slow things down. Because Saturn has the upper hand, this opposition is a hard NO! Don’t worry; Saturn is protecting you from a perilous mistake.

Instead, take this opportunity to evaluate the effort you’re putting into something or maybe someone to see if it’s paying off. Understandably the lightning-fast Uranus in tandem with impetuous Mars could be a recipe for disaster. Luckily, Saturn is there to slow things down so please heed the timing and don’t listen to Mars coaxing you to forge forward. Instead, consider waiting it out with the understanding that any delay is for the best because divine timing is at play.

Helpful tips

I know there’s a lot to process here. For that reason, I have included some helpful tips to navigate the astrological weather for the next half of June:

  • Set goals and intentions at this full moon and make the changes necessary for the future
  • Use the power of Saturn to work for you. Remember, if you make plans, Jupiter will expand on them
  • Try not to sweat the small stuff. Keep your eyes locked on the future
  • If something is not showing the expected results. re-evaluate whether it deserves your continued effort. Besides, a change in direction may be the best course of action
  • Consider meditation to connect to higher realms because Jupiter expands whatever you focus on, so make it count

Notably, Mercury moved direct on June 22nd, so writing is favored. Plus, with Neptune and Jupiter in the mix, you could write a best-selling fantasy novel or screenplay.

Admittedly, there are conflicting energies at play, but you can soar like an eagle if you maintain a high frequency. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.


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