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Super Manifesting Power Lion’s Gate Portal


Multi colored artistic rendition of a Lion

As we approach the transformative energies of the Lions Gate Portal in 2024, the cosmos invites us to embark on an inner journey of abundance, spiritual awakening, and personal growth. This year, the portal opens with unique celestial alignments that amplify its significance, particularly with a New Moon, Jupiter, and Mars support and several planets in retrograde. Let’s delve into the mystical components of this powerful event and understand how we can harness its energies.

What is the Lions Gate Portal?

The Lions Gate Portal is an annual astrological event that peaks on August 8. The Sun in Leo aligns with the brightest star, Sirius, also known as our spiritual Sun, Orion’s Belt, and the Earth. The portal is open from July 26 to August 12 but is most powerful on August 8. This alignment is believed to activate a potent portal of higher frequencies that facilitates spiritual progress, enlightenment, and manifestation. The number 8 represents an infinite energy flow, symbolizing the opportunities for infinite possibilities that the portal brings. August 8 is the 8th month and the 8th day. And 2024 is a number 8 year in numerology, 2+0+2+4 = 8. The  triple power of 888 symbolizes super manifesting ability with infinite positive abundance and good fortune,  

The Significance of the New Moon in Leo

On August 8, 2024, the Lions Gate Portal will be particularly potent due to the New Moon in Leo. New Moons are traditionally times for setting intentions, new beginnings, and planting seeds for the future. Leo, a fire sign ruled by the Sun, embodies creativity, courage, Joy, and self-expression.

This year’s New Moon in Leo encourages us to embrace our inner light and shine authentically. It’s a time to harness our creative powers and confidently set intentions that align with our true selves. By doing so, we align our personal goals with the energetic peak of the Lions Gate Portal, amplifying our manifestations and spiritual growth. Consider performing a ritual on August 8, with the powerful intention of combining the New Moon energy with the Lion’s Gate Portal, which will upgrade your power to manifest. 

The Sun Aligns with Jupiter and Mars

Jupiter and Mars boost the Sun’s energy flow. They harmoniously support the Sun, shining a radiant beam of abundance, motivation, and determination to fulfill dreams.

Jupiter is Expanding Horizons

Jupiter brings optimism, expansion, and abundance. It’s a time when growth opportunities present themselves, and the universe will reward our actions with positive outcomes. Jupiter’s influence helps us see the bigger picture and align our actions with a higher purpose. This relationship with the Sunn will allow for bigger dreams and rewards.

Mars Energizing Support

Mars brings an energizing and motivating force. This energy flow encourages us to take confident, assertive actions toward our goals. It invigorates our willpower and determination, helping us overcome obstacles and push forward.

Retrograde Energy: Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto

In 2024, the significance of outer planets being in retrograde around the Lion’s Gate Portal can deepen the astrological implications of this event. Here’s a look at how these retrogrades may interact with the energies of the Lion’s Gate:

Mercury Retrograde (August 4 – August 28, 2024):

Reevaluation and Realignment: 

As Mercury retrograde prompts us to look back and reassess, the heightened energies of the Lion’s Gate can support a deeper realignment of our thoughts and plans. During this period, you might gain new insights into previous decisions and find better approaches to achieving your goals.

Inner Guidance and Intuition: 

Despite the typical challenges associated with Mercury retrograde, this period can be a powerful time for introspection and reflection. Combined with the Lion’s Gate energies, it heightens your intuition and inner guidance. Journaling, meditation, and other introspective practices can be particularly beneficial, helping you gain clarity and direction from within.

Pluto Retrograde (May 2 – October 11, 2024)

Transformation and Empowerment: 

Pluto’s retrograde period emphasizes inner transformation. While the Lion’s Gate portal is open, energy can be harnessed for profound personal and collective shifts, bringing hidden truths to light and encouraging deep soul work.

Release and Rebirth: 

The retrograde may prompt a reevaluation of power dynamics, helping individuals release old patterns and embrace new beginnings that are more aligned with their true selves.

Saturn Retrograde (June 29 – November 15, 2024):

Review of Structures and Responsibilities: Saturn retrograde typically signals a time to review and reassess the structures in our lives, including responsibilities, commitments, and long-term goals. The Lion’s Gate Portal can be a powerful period to reconsider what we are building in our lives, ensuring our foundations are strong and aligned with our higher purpose.

Karmic Balancing:

Saturn is often associated with karma and lessons from the past. This retrograde can illuminate areas where we must learn or complete old cycles. Saturn emphasizes discipline and patience. The Lion’s Gate energies can support and expedite this process, enabling significant karmic release and personal growth. 

Neptune Retrograde (July 2 – December 7, 2024)

Spiritual Insight: 

Neptune’s retrograde encourages introspection and a deeper connection to one’s spiritual path. Coupled with the Lion’s Gate, it can enhance intuition and psychic abilities, making this a time for profound spiritual awakenings and clarity. It helps to magnify healing, releasing emotional and spiritual baggage and fostering a renewed sense of compassion and empathy.

The combination of these planets in retrograde with higher frequencies from the Lion’s Gate Portal can create a potent mix of introspection, transformation, and realignment. It’s a time to harness deep inner work, clear away old paradigms and outdated patterns, and set strong, spiritually aligned intentions.

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